The Minister of Health: The Announcement Concerning an Important Problem of Hospitals in Romania

Minister of Health Announcement The Important Problem of Romanian Hospitals

The Minister of Health spoke in a press conference about one of the biggest problems facing the medical system in Romania, and we are talking about something that can hardly be done easily, more precisely the repair and modernization of hospitals in Romania.

The Minister of Health says that it is the duty of the Romanian state to offer the Romanians medical services at European standards, even if there are private associations that invest in the modernization of hospitals with private money, but there is a need for greater involvement of the authorities.

"Children are the most important capital in this country, and we must do it in such a way that they develop harmoniously. If they need medical assistance, let them receive it on time, in civilized conditions. Here is something that Mr. President Maticiuc did not mention, but I brought it to his attention, it is very difficult to adapt old buildings to current standards.

You should know that this problem of setting up a hospital ward, especially one where invasive maneuvers take place, is a problem, and everyone is discussing, about the infections associated with healthcare. Any infection that is associated with a medical procedure, or with the presence in a medical space is called a healthcare-associated infection.

It is very difficult to fight against these types of infections if you do not have some minimal conditions, and the area of ​​sanitary groups is a vital area in order to be able to control this phenomenon. The future, if God helps us to make regional hospitals, through PNRR, or from other funding sources, it is important to have a network of hospitals that corresponds to current standards.

For example, in an intensive care unit there should be 1 patient in a room, but it is very difficult to ensure this. The part of sanitary groups, the part of circuits is very difficult to adapt in old buildings. On the other hand, if these are the ones we have, an initiative like that of this foundation, Metropolis, and other foundations, I would say have developed models of good practice, is salutary.

No matter how much the associations and foundations work, they cannot replace the responsibility that we have, because there are many entities that have hospitals under their control. We are already in the minority, but we also went to the country, and there are many things that show vision, the desire for change, there are many national or local authorities that have succeeded in many beautiful projects."