Coronavirus Romania: Official Number of New Cases on August 4, 2022

Coronavirus Romania Official Number of New Cases August 4, 2022

The number of new cases of Coronavirus in Romania remains high during this period, even if we are still talking about an apparent stabilization of the increase in infections, only that it was achieved at a fairly high level, which still maintains a state of concern regarding possible increases bigger.

The Romanian authorities are talking about the fact that in mid-August there should be a decrease in the number of new cases of infection, but they are already visible in the last days, so it is possible that the good news will come much faster for us.

The situation at the moment is serious, somewhat worrying, but the authorities in Romania expect things to return to some sort of normal in the next period, at least until October or November, when the situation could become serious again, unfortunately.

"In the last 24 hours, 8.617 new cases of people infected with SARS - CoV - 2 (COVID - 19) were registered, with 489 less than the previous day. 1.624 of the new cases in 24 hours are of reinfected patients who tested positive more than 90 days after the first infection.

Distinct from the newly confirmed cases, following retesting of patients who were already positive, 352 people were reconfirmed positive.

In specialized health units, the number of people hospitalized in wards with COVID-19 is 4.007, 12 more than the previous day. Also, 283 people are hospitalized at ATI, 1 less than the previous day. Of the 283 patients admitted to ATI, 241 are unvaccinated.

Of the total hospitalized patients, 539 are minors, 534 being hospitalized in wards, with 13 less than the previous day and 5 in ATI, the same as the previous day.

Until today, 66.117 people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died. Between 03.08.2022 (10:00) and 04.08.2022 (10:00) 27 deaths (11 men and 16 women) were reported by INSP, 1 death being reported before the reference interval.

In the last 24 hours, 5.085 RT-PCR tests were performed (3.277 based on case definition and medical protocol and 1.808 on request) and 22.328 rapid antigen tests. Until this date, at the national level, they have been processed
13.332.446 RT-PCR tests and 10.828.897 rapid antigen tests.”