The Romanian Police asks the Romanians not to Block the Emergency Lane of the Highways

The Romanian Police asks the Romanians not to Block the Emergency Lane of the Highways

The Romanian Police asks Romanians not to block the emergency lane of the highways on which they circulate in Romania, and this is because it can be used by the emergency services to reach urgent cases where help is needed.

An imagination game!

We are on the highway, on the way to the sea, and we notice the #Emergency Lane.
At the "horizon", an area with.

"...a seflie would go here!"

#BandaDeUrgența is NOT "there" for such "activities"!

Therefore, we continue on our way.

Later...unfortunately, a rear wheel flat puts us in trouble. #BandaDeUrgența "is there" for such an emergency.

We fix the situation and continue on our way.

The child in the vehicle wants a sandwich.

I'm sure you know it too... #BandaDeUrgența "disappears" again.

And we repeat…

The emergency lane exists ONLY for emergencies! Selfie, lunch break or other similar activities are NOT emergencies!

Release the #EmergencyBand for… you guessed it… EMERGENCIES!

Join the Campaign!