Vladimir Putin's order in Full War in Ukraine, what he asks the Army to do

Order Vladimir Putin Full War Ukraine asks the Army

Vladimir Putin allegedly gave an extremely important order to the Russian army that is in the south of Ukraine, and this is because the Kremlin leader wants the entire Donbas to be conquered by September 15, something that the soldiers have been struggling to do since February, but something that seems very far from being achieved.

Vladimir Putin's order comes at a time when the Ukrainian army has launched a strong counter-offensive in the Donbas and managed to break the Russian defense lines in Kherson, so it will be very interesting to see what exactly Putin's army will manage to achieve in the region in the current context.

"Putin ordered his troops to occupy the entire Donetsk region by September 15. Oleksii Khromov, of the General Staff, said on September 1 that Russian forces continue to hold the occupied areas of Ukraine while trying to create favorable conditions for the resumption of the offensive.

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