BCR Romania's decision announced, what changes it has made for customers

Decision of BCR Romania Announced Changes Made to Customers

BCR Romania confirms for customers from all over Romania a decision regarding a measure that not many people were expecting at the moment, but a measure that will certainly come to the aid of many people from Ukraine who arrived in Romania, and they need something that is easy to understand.

BCR Romania officially announced today that the George application has been updated with an extremely interesting change, more precisely we are talking about the fact that from now on the application for iPhone and Android has implemented support for the Ukrainian language, so even the citizens of Ukraine will be able to understand what do.

The decision taken by BCR for customers from all over Romania is applied starting with the installation of the latest version of the application for iPhone and Android, it having already implemented translations for the Ukrainian language for all those who need this change to use the bank's services.

BCR is not the only bank where we see measures aimed at making the experience of using the application a much better one, but until now few companies in Romania have decided to make such major changes to ease the life of Ukrainians who arrived in our country and have need help now

#George #StandswithUkraine. Recently, Ukrainian language is available in George for citizens of Ukraine, simple and fast, you can change it from your phone settings.