Minister of Health: Last Minute Warning for Millions of Romanians in the Country

Minister of Health Last Minute Warning Millions of Romanians Country

The Minister of Health is warning the millions of Romanians throughout the country today, and everyone must know what he is officially transmitting now, and this is because he is bringing to the attention of all people a very serious risk to which they are exposing themselves, specifically that of medicines bought from unauthorized sources, even if they are cheaper.

The Minister of Health launches this warning on the occasion of World Patient Safety Day, and says that there is a major risk that medicines bought from unauthorized sources are counterfeit, and this means that they will either not have the effects that people expect, or they could be extremely dangerous when administered.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared September 17 as World Patient Safety Day, with the aim of developing policies and practices regarding patient safety in the world. This year, the theme set by the World Health Organization is the safe use of medicines.

The Ministry urges patients and their relatives to inform themselves about the correct use of medicines and to be aware of the importance of purchasing these products only from authorized sources. We draw attention to the online purchase of medicines from unauthorized sources, which increases the risk of getting into possession of counterfeit products.

These unauthorized products may not be properly evaluated for quality, safety and efficacy in accordance with the legal provisions in force at the level of the European Union. Medication misuse affects millions of patients worldwide, and the costs of neglecting patient safety are a burden on all healthcare systems. It is important to pay attention to both the place from where we purchase the medicines and the way in which they are administered, according to the doctor's instructions.

Currently, 86.350 citizens are registered in the Registry of Stem Cell Donors in Romania, being prepared to give a chance at life to their peers. This year, 3.649 donors registered in the register. On the occasion of the World Day of Voluntary Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors, celebrated annually internationally on the third Saturday of September, the Ministry of Health thanks the hematopoietic stem cell donors registered in the National Registry of Stem Cell Donors.

In this context, we also mention the recent legislative amendment, according to which hematopoietic stem cell donors who do not earn income or earn income below the gross minimum wage will benefit from the quality of insured for a period of 10 years."