The WHO warning regarding a Danger that Worries All Countries

The WHO warning Danger Worries All Countries

The WHO is issuing an extremely worrying warning for countries around the world at the moment, targeting hundreds of millions of people around the globe, and this is because we are talking about a problem that can prove serious, several variants of the Coronavirus that are now investigated by experts, but with very limited resources.

The WHO says that it is working with experts from various areas around the world at the moment to investigate multiple variants of the Coronavirus that have been detected as a result of testing and sequencing, but due to the small number of tests and sequencing, it is very difficult to establish clear information vis-à-vis the danger it represents.

The WHO is asking countries around the world to step up their human testing programs and to sequence positive tests so that more information can be found about a series of variants circulating in the world, which may be more contagious and more pathogenic. the BA.2.75 being among those monitored.

The WHO has been trying for months to convince the whole world about the fact that the testing and sequencing processes must continue, but despite this, a lot of work is still needed for the process to be successful, and for the experts to find out since how dangerous are some of the variants circulating all over the world.