How many people has Russia mobilized since Putin's announcement that scared the Russians

How many people has Russia mobilized since Putin's announcement that scared the Russians

This month, Russia initiated a process of forced mobilization by which it tries to restore the army units that suffered huge losses in the war in Ukraine in the last 7 months, and according to the statements made at the beginning of the process, 300.000 people should be mobilized now.

Russia has so far managed to mobilize only about 100.000 people out of the total it hopes to mobilize, but even so, we are talking about a huge number of new soldiers who will arrive in Ukraine in addition to the existing troops, but how many how effective they will be remains to be seen.

"Russia has recruited 100.000 people since September 21. The figure was provided by Oleksiy Hromov, a deputy chief of the operations department of the General Staff. Russia has announced plans to mobilize 300.000 conscripts.

"We understand that the announced figure of 300.000 is not definitive. The number of mobilized recruits will most likely be much higher," Khromov said."