Engie: Very IMPORTANT announcement for all customers in Romania

Engie Important Notice All Romanian Customers

Engie, the company with a large number of Romanians who benefit from electricity and natural gas services in Romania, has an extremely important piece of information that it is sending to customers at this moment, and this is because it brings to people's attention methods by which they can save money now

Engie explains to all customers in Romania the ways in which they can save quite a lot of money if they choose to reduce their energy consumption to a good extent during this period, and below you can see some very good tips that are also available on the website the company at this time.

According to those from Engie Romania, energy consumption can be greatly reduced in the summer by using air conditioners that have a higher temperature setting, and if you use them for heating during this period, you should also consider the same thing at this moment.

Engie Romania also talks about washing machines, which can have their consumption reduced by up to 11.000 liters every year if we only use them when they are full, and in the case of refrigerators, consumption can be reduced if the temperature is set between 1-4 degrees Celsius , and the freezer at -18 degrees Celsius.

The electricity used by the air conditioner can represent up to 25% of the total consumption. In summer, set the air conditioner to about 25°C. With each additional degree, you can reduce consumption by up to 6%. Choose not to leave the fan on when you leave the room. It only ventilates the air, providing a cooling sensation, but will not lower the ambient temperature.

You can avoid unnecessary consumption of electricity and water by only using the washing machine when it is full. In this way, a family can save up to 11.000 liters of water per year. In order for your refrigerator to be energy efficient, avoid placing it next to an oven or radiator. Set the refrigerator to a temperature between 1 – 4 °C and the freezer to -18 °C.