Minister of Education: 2 New LAST HOUR Announcements of Great Importance for Students

Minister of Education 2 New Announcements LAST TIME Importanta Mare Elevi

The Minister of Education makes 2 extremely important announcements that target many students from schools all over Romania at the moment, and this is because a series of measures have been taken that everyone should know about, in the first phase being increased from 350 to 450 the number of educational units that benefit from the "Hot Meal" program.

The Minister of Education also confirmed the fact that in the case of the National High School Fund Program, 20.498 students from schools all over Romania are included, they will benefit from this aid that the Romanian state offers, and this is extremely good news for many young people at the moment.

"Today, the Romanian Government adopted the emergency ordinance that increases, from 350 to 450, the number of pre-university education units that benefit from the "Hot Meal" program. In total, 178.000 students will receive food support.

Thus, this school year, 450 state pre-university education units will benefit daily, free of charge, from food support consisting of a hot meal or a food package (if the hot meal cannot be provided ), within the limit of a daily value of 15 lei/beneficiary, including VAT. The funding, distributed through local budgets, is 147.000 thousand lei this year, respectively 266.510 thousand lei in 2023.

20.948 high school students will benefit from the "Bani de liceu" scholarship this school year. The final list (after resolving the appeals) with the number of beneficiaries was displayed today, October 27, on the website of the Ministry of Education. The total number of beneficiaries is equal to the number of eligible applicants.

The national social protection program "High school money" has been run by the Ministry of Education since 2004. Through this program, each beneficiary receives monthly, for the entire duration of the courses, if all the legal conditions are met, the sum of 250 lei as a form of support for continuing/completing studies.

By centralizing the final lists sent by the county school inspectorates/School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest, following the appeals resolution stage, a number of 20.498 eligible applicants resulted. In the 2022-2023 school year, according to the budget allocated by the ministry for the National High School Money Social Protection Program, it was established that the number of beneficiaries is 20.498, equal to the number of eligible applicants."