Minister of Health: Official Announcements with IMPORTANT Measures for the Good of Romanians

Minister of Health Official Announcements IMPORTANT Measures Good for Romanians

The Minister of Health announces a series of extremely important new measures that will be implemented at the level of the entire country for the good of the Romanians, and this is because we are talking about something that should have been done for a long time regarding the way healthcare-associated infections evolve in Romania.

The Minister of Health explains below what kind of measures are necessary from this point of view at the moment, and this is because they are necessary in order to ensure the best quality services for any of the Romanians in the whole country, and they deserve them we have in mind right now.

"At the national level, we will organize a current prevalence study, according to the ECDC methodology, methodology received now in October, and we will organize ourselves in such a way that we have a study that will show us the reality, as they showed it, or at least as close as possible to reality, as shown by the studies carried out in 2012 and 2017.

Regarding the elaboration of the methodological rules for the application of Law 3 of 2021, it is a law that was approved in January 2021, I found it at the ministry with an interval of application/drafting of the rules of 6 months, so it had to be done by the end of July 2021, but the possibility of achieving these rules must take into account reality, the things described so far.

The construction of the system that allows the application of the law, in addition there is a matter related to the regulation of health professionals who work in hospitals and are responsible for this problem, and which we will probably find to make a regulation that allows the employment of professional doctors in all the hospitals.

As far as epidemiologists are concerned, we have a problem there, and we have to think about how to organize, at least a transition period to allow the employment of epidemiologists in all hospitals. Also an important thing, I have already discussed with my colleagues from the Ministry of Labor, it is about a common order regarding the reporting of these infections in residential care centers for the elderly.

The dances are newer, so to speak, in the field, but they must also be included in the surveillance activity, but sometimes it is necessary because outbreaks of infection associated with medical care also appear in such centers. The people there come back with a lot of ailments, and the risks for them are obvious."