The Minister of Health: The LAST MOMENT Order, what changes it requires for all of Romania

Minister of Health Order LAST MOMENT Changes Imposes All Romania

The Minister of Health has signed an extremely important order that will have a major impact on hospitals throughout Romania, and this is because after a long wait, it has finally been decided how investments will be made in the hospital infrastructure and equipment for hospitals.

The Minister of Health explains in the order partially presented below what these investments will bring that Romania is going to make thanks to the money from the PNRR, which must be very judiciously spent by the Romanian authorities during the period when the funds will be available for us.

"Seeing the approval report no. 20.859 of 18.11.2022 of the General Directorate for project implementation and monitoring and the Opinion of the Ministry of European Investments and Projects no. 139.052 dated 18.11.2022, registered at the Ministry of Health with no. 20.879 of 18.11.2022, also taking into account the provisions of Government Decision no. 209/2022 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 124/2021.

Regarding the establishment of the institutional and financial framework for the management of the European funds allocated to Romania through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, as well as for the amendment and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 155/2020 regarding some measures for the development of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan necessary for Romania to access repayable and non-repayable external funds within the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism.

As well as Government Decision no. 1.237/2022 regarding the approval of the National Health Infrastructure Investment Program, related to target 377, component 12 – Health from the annex to the Council Implementation Decision of November 3, 2021 approving the evaluation of Romania's Recovery and Resilience Plan, as well as the methodology for approving investments financed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Romania,

Pursuant to the provisions of art. 7 para. (4) from Government Decision no. 144/2010 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Health, with subsequent amendments and additions, the Minister of Health issues the following order: The Funding Guide for pre-selected beneficiaries within the competitive call for projects is approved - call code: MS-0212, pillar V: Health and resilience institutional, component 12: Health, investment: I2.

Development of public hospital infrastructure, specific investment: I2.1 – New public hospital infrastructure and specific investment: I2.2 – Medical equipment and apparatus, related to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, provided in the annex*) which is an integral part of this order. The general direction of project implementation and monitoring within the Ministry of Health carries out the provisions of this order."