Romanian Police: Why Radar is Essential in Traffic in Romania

Romanian Police Why Radar is Essential in Traffic in Romania

The Romanian Police is warning Romanians from all over the country about one of the most recent actions it has carried out on the roads in our country, and is talking about a driver who was caught by a radar device exceeding the legal speed limit in time who is under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

Below you can also see the arguments of the Romanian Police regarding the need to use radars in traffic in Romania, this not being the first time that the authorities resort to messages of this kind for Romanians.

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We assumed that we said almost everything with the two deviations, which are actually the driver in the picture.

If that person had entered the opposite direction? Still outraged on the "radar"? Let's think how essential it is for traffic safety!

To our colleagues with the radar device! … you can too!