Enel: LAST MINUTE Official Information Sent to All Romanian Customers

Enel Official LAST MINUTE Information Sent to All Romanian Customers

Enel sends a last-minute official information to all its customers from all over Romania, and this is because it brings to their immediate attention an announcement that everyone must know about now, and this is because a special section has been created on the company's website to help consumers all over the country.

In that section, Enel explains to the Romanians the fact that it dismantles a series of extremely important myths regarding the energy consumption recorded by Romanians in their own homes, but also in relation to the electrical appliances they use in their daily lives, with day, and which may or may not be large energy consumers.

In the same section, Enel Romania also offers advice to reduce to a good extent the energy consumption we record in our own homes, all with the idea of ​​helping us have lower bills for the services we benefit from, but of course all these savings can only be made in time by people.

Enel Romania knows very well how eager many people are to find out information about how they can reduce energy consumption in a period like this, and this is because the very high prices for electricity force many people to think very seriously to ways to reduce energy consumption.

The first step towards smart energy consumption is access to correct information. Together with the Energy Policy Group, we dispel a number of consumption myths and give you advice on how to keep energy costs under control. We open the series with a myth about the heating plant and the correct temperature inside the home when it's cold outside. Enter the website for the smartest energy efficiency recommendations!