Some Russian Soldiers Begin to Desert from the Army Sent to Ukraine

Some Russian Soldiers Begin to Desert from the Army Sent to Ukraine

Some of the Russian soldiers sent to the war in Ukraine began to desert, something that does not come as a big surprise in the context in which we are talking about former prisoners who were recruited to fight for Russia, and who began to give up everything after what they saw the conditions in which they will fight.

Russia is continuing the war in Ukraine with the same vigor with which it began a few weeks ago to cause widespread destruction, and it doesn't look like the situation will change for the better anytime soon, so it remains to be seen how much longer it will succeed. to resist the Ukrainian army in the coming months.

"The mobilized convicts left the Russian army in the Donetsk region. About 20 mobilized ex-convicts left the Russian army in the Russian-occupied town of Yasinuvata in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.

According to the General Staff, the convicts escaped while being transported to fighting positions. Three of the escapees were killed by Ukrainian forces during a search operation, the General Staff said."