Elon Musk, Twitter, could be Sanctioned by the European Commission

Elon Musk, Twitter, could be Sanctioned by the European Commission

Elon Musk and Twitter could be sanctioned by the European Commission due to the fact that they abused the power they have, and they suspended the accounts of some journalists who disclosed information, however public, regarding the movements of the private plane of the famous billionaire, including CEO of Tesla.

Vera Jurova, vice-president of the European Commission, published the statement below, and announces that the current European legislation on digital services requires respect for the freedom of the press, otherwise sanctions may be imposed by the European institutions against bodies that do not respect these rights.

"The news about the arbitrary suspension of journalists on Twitter is worrying. The EU Digital Services Act requires respect for media freedom and fundamental rights. This is reinforced by the #MediaFreedomAct. Elon Musk should be aware of this. They are red lines. And sanctions, soon."