The Major Change of WhatsApp Made Secretly on iPhone and Android

Major Change WhatsApp Made Secret iPhone Android

WhatsApp does not stop implementing new major changes for users using the application on iPhone and Android, and this is because we are again talking about a very serious change made secretly for users with phones all over the world, and everything has to do with security Our.

WhatsApp thought a few weeks ago to implement an additional security system to protect accounts when it comes to changing phones, so that when we want to log our account in another phone to use as the main one, we have a new system of security that we have to go through.

The new system asks us to enter a code sent by SMS to the account's phone number, or one that you receive through a phone call, but starting from the last few days there is also a third option, a 6-digit access code being automatically sent to the phone on which we are already logged in, without reaching the new device.

This change eliminates the need to call the phone number of the account, which may already be in another phone, possibly a stolen one, so that the phone on which we are already logged in will receive that code, and only with it will we be able to log the account in a phone new, so theoretically stealing an account should be more difficult.

WhatsApp has been working for some time on a variety of changes that it wants to implement for the messaging application, and they are offered gradually, as they are prepared, so this one from now will only be offered in a few months.

Majora Change WhatsApp Made Secret iPhone Android 6-digit code