Minister of Education: LAST TIME, Government Decision with Major Measures for School Students

Minister of Education LAST TIME Government Decision Major Measures Students Schools

The Minister of Education officially announced the new Government decision adopted today with important measures for students in Romanian schools, and this is because the decision was taken to approve the methodology for the organization and operation of complementary early education services, as you can see lower.

The Minister of Education explains below what is going to change in schools in our country, a series of very important changes that parents and teachers must know about, because they will all apply starting in 2023, but they will probably come more details in the following weeks.

"At the initiative of the Ministry of Education, the Government Decision was adopted in today's meeting, December 28, 2022, for the approval of the Methodology for the organization and operation of complementary early education services and the modification of annex no. 4 to Government Decision no. 369/2021 regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Education.

The normative act brings two important news for education and for children from disadvantaged communities. 1200 new school counselor positions are being allocated, representing a 50% increase over the current number. This measure will ensure a greater number of teachers in the psychopedagogical assistance offices (school counselors), which will contribute to.

Increasing students' and preschoolers' access to psychopedagogical assistance services, school and professional guidance; expanding the network of school offices for psycho-pedagogical assistance; expanding school violence prevention activities in the context of the "You are not alone" campaign. Together we stop violence in schools". We specify that in the 2022-2023 school year, at the national level, 2.288 teachers are employed in psychopedagogical assistance offices (school counselors) for a number of 2.751.233 students and preschoolers in mainstream public education.

This assumes that 1200 students and preschoolers are assigned to a school counselor. Through the Government Decision adopted today, this ratio is improved, with 800 students and preschoolers assigned to a school counselor. We remind you that the Ministry of Education launched the call for equipping classrooms and school laboratories/workshops in pre-university education units, with funding from Component 15 – Education, from the National Rehabilitation and Resilience Plan (PNRR), within which the offices are also eligible of psychopedagogical assistance.

For the first time, the complementary services of the toy library, playgroup and community kindergarten are regulated. We are allocating 2.550 positions to ensure the necessary personnel for the establishment, by 2026, of 850 community kindergartens/playgroups/toy libraries. They will provide education, care, protection and nutrition services for children from disadvantaged communities. At the same time, for the first 412 complementary services, 103 million euros will be allocated from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, and 14,3 million euros will be allocated for the training of the personnel who serve them."