Minister of Health: IMPORTANT Solutions Announced for the Problems of the Medical System in Romania

The Minister of Health has officially announced the important solutions for the problems facing the medical system in Romania at the moment, and this is because he is talking about the underfunding that does not allow the provision of quality services for Romanians who need to solve medical problems.

The Minister of Health also talks about the solutions he wants to implement regarding the creation of a system of outpatient clinics that will relieve hospitals of the burden of taking on Romanians who need investigations that are not urgent, and who can be treated outside hospitals now.

"The underfunding is related to the method of financing through contributions, and my opinion is that a better collection of taxes, in general in the state system... the budget represents 30% of the GDP, that's how much can be collected, when the average of the European Union is over 40 %, so we have a lot of room for ANAF, for the Ministry of Finance, to collect better from the budget, to have higher revenues.

This is a discussion that needs to be done (n. ed. where the low rates come from that do not cover the real cost of medical documents). What must be said is that this system in which we exclusively develop hospital nursing services is not sustainable, and not only in Romania, but anywhere in the world. We must develop outpatient services that are as close as possible to patients.

This means a family doctor who does more things than he does at the moment, gives him more professional authority, outpatient services where investigations can be done, i.e. radiology, hematology, clinical investigations, and the patient can receive a diagnosis, a treatment . In these ambulatory services, day hospitalization for certain diseases should be encouraged.

These things reduce the pressure on the one hand, and make the health system sustainable. In fact, I say this with conviction, if we do not change in the next 4-5 years this philosophy in which we take all patients to the hospital, given that at the UPU 75% - 85% are "urgent" with yellow or green codes, so it is clear that there are no people who should not get there, and we are not developing the pre-hospital sector.

I don't think there are people who want to stay in the hospital, everyone wants to have an investigation, receive a diagnosis, and a treatment. We can do this outside the hospital, and that's what I'm working on. All the models from outside the European Union, from Israel, all show that pre-hospital medical care takes the majority of patients."