Nicolae Ciuca Talks about Romania's Path 16 Years after Joining the European Union

Nicolae Ciuca Talks about Romania's Path 16 Years after Joining the European UnionNicolae Ciuca Talks about Romania's Path 16 Years after Joining the European Union

Nicolae Ciuca published a series of information about Romania's progress in the 16 years since it entered the European Union, a path full of successes, but also of many projects that are to be completed.

Solidarity, expertise and European funds are decisive elements that provide Romania with the safety circle it needs to overcome the complicated period we are going through.

16 years after joining, the benefits of our membership produce tangible results: the national economy is growing, European funding has left its mark on the development of infrastructure, health, education and local communities, and social programs support citizens, especially those vulnerable, who need more protection.

Fundamental freedoms and values ​​are an anchor for the development of our society. Measures to manage the energy crisis, a problem that concerns us all now, are also possible thanks to our EU membership.

The fact that 2022 was Romania's best year so far from the perspective of capitalizing on European funds is also an expression of European solidarity.

The preparation of the necessary projects, reforms and documentation confirms the strengthening of this direction in 2023 and in the following years. We have approved the programs related to the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027, which means validating the

46 billion euros that will bring us massive investment in safer hospitals, transport infrastructure, modernizing water infrastructure and supporting the business environment.

We have approved all operational programs. In the next few days, the funds related to the second payment request from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan will come in, which means that Romania will benefit from this financing mechanism alone in about a year, about 9,2 billion euros, considering pre-financing.

The major transformation of Romania and the deepening of the integration process would not have been possible without the firm and open support of Romanian citizens, social partners and the entire Romanian society. This social energy coagulates ideas, motivates and inspires the projects that Romania needs to continue its development path, in the great European family.