Austria Urgently Requests Important New Measures after Blocking Romania's Accession to Schengen

Austria Urgently Requests Important New Measures Blocking Romania's Schengen Accession

Austria urgently demands new important measures after blocking Romania's accession to Schengen, and it does so officially through the voice of Minister Gerhard Karner, and this because during an official visit to Greece, he says that money must come from the European Commission for the countries from the borders of the European Union for a better protection of the borders of the European Union.

Austria says that the countries that are on the borders of the European Union should receive funds to build fences, but also funds to strengthen their surveillance systems and the institutions that have the role of protecting the borders, so that migrants no longer reach the countries in the center of Europe, and this could bring the acceptance vote of Romania in the Schengen Area.

Austria practically asks other countries not to allow migrants to enter the European Union, especially when it comes to those who are part of the Schengen area, and Romania's accession could be blocked until such a decision could be taken by the European Commission , and this probably wouldn't surprise anyone, after the veto vote in December.

"Greece is stepping up external border protection and stepping up police measures. The extension of the Turkish-Greek border barrier supports the fight against human trafficking and illegal migration and has positive effects on security in Austria.

The EU should also support other Member States at the external border in setting up such border barriers. Among other things, Austria has proposed that the EU provide money for policing operations against people-trafficking abroad and for construction measures at external borders."