The Minister of Education has an IMPORTANT Announcement for Romanian Students in All Schools

Minister of Education IMPORTANT Announcement Romanian Students All Schools

The Minister of Education sends a very important announcement to Romanian students in all the country's schools, and this is because it brings to their immediate attention something that everyone should know at the moment, more precisely the importance of January 24 in the history of Romania, today being sad Union of the Romanian Principalities throughout the country.

The Minister of Education talks below about how important this moment in history is for modern Romania, and this is because the Union of Principalities laid the foundations of the country in which we all live today, and whose borders are once again threatened by a foreign power, but we are in a completely different position compared to then.

"January 24, 1859 is an important day for us, the Romanians, because it showed us how strong we are when we unite for a common goal.
The union of the Principalities is proof that, even when times are troubled, Romanians are in solidarity when there is an objective in which they truly believe.

We mark an essential historical moment for the formation of modern Romania, which must be honored and passed on to the younger generation. Thanks to the teachers who instill in students the love and respect for history and for the outstanding personalities who laid the foundations of today's Romania. Alexandru Ioan Cuza introduced compulsory education in 1864, being convinced that only an educated nation can have a future.

I think it is our duty to ensure that the right to a quality inclusive education is respected, this being the basis of a united, educated and cohesive Romania. Today, we are marking an essential historical moment both for the realization of the unitary national state and for the evolution of national identity, a moment that must be honored and that we need to pass on, to be known and respected by our children.

January 24 is an important day for us Romanians - a symbol of the strength of "together for the same goal". The union of the Principalities is proof that, even when times are troubled, through perseverance and courage, Romanians are in solidarity when there is an objective in which they truly believe.

Thanks to the teachers who educate in the sense of respect for history and for the outstanding figures who laid the foundations of today's Romania! The mission they have is as beautiful as it is important - we need to teach the children what their roots are, because, just by knowing them, they will love this place and its people!"