Netflix HIT for MILLIONS of Customers with a Major Decision

netflix blocks accounts passwords friends devices verification

Netflix is ​​dealing a major blow to the millions of people who use its video-on-demand streaming platform right now, as it has officially announced that it will begin blocking accounts that share passwords between multiple users. , as I knew it would happen.

Netflix has published on its website a series of very important information regarding the blocking of accounts for which passwords are shared between users, so we find out in detail everything we need to know about this process that has started to bring a lot critics of the American company since a few months ago.

Netflix will base its process on the identification of the devices that use the main accounts, using their names, the identification codes of the manufacturer, the name of the Wi-Fi network from which they connect, and users must authenticate them in its website and applications as devices trust.

Checking trusted devices

When someone signs in to your account from a device not associated with your Netflix household, or if your account is persistently accessed from a location outside of your household, we may ask you to verify that device before it can be used to watch Netflix. We do this to confirm that the device using the account is authorized to do so.

To verify a device:

  1. Netflix sends a link to the email address or phone number associated with the primary account owner.
  2. The link opens a page with a 4-digit verification code.
  3. The code must be entered on the requesting device within 15 minutes.
    1. If the code has expired, you will need to request a new verification code from the device.
  4. Once successful, that device can be used to watch Netflix.
  5. Device verification may be required periodically.

If you suspect unauthorized use of your account, we recommend that you reset your password immediately. You can also disconnect from all devices connected to it.

Primary account identification

To ensure uninterrupted access to Netflix, connect to Wi-Fi at your primary location, open the Netflix app or website, and watch something at least once every 31 days. This creates a reliable device so you can watch Netflix even when you're away from your main location.

If you are away from your primary location for a long period of time, your device may be blocked from watching Netflix. You can request a temporary access code to continue viewing.