A very Important Announcement is brought to the IMMEDIATE attention of ENEL customers

ENEL Customers Brings IMMEDIATE Attention Important Announcement

ENEL, the company from which many Romanians receive electricity and natural gas services, published a last-minute announcement that should be in the immediate attention of all customers, and this is because it brings to their attention what they should do if they are registered in the three categories of consumers who can benefit from capping.

ENEL talks below about the fact that only people who register in these categories can have capped prices for electricity and natural gas as part of the new legislation that provides for this at the moment, on its website there is additional information regarding the conditions on the basis of which this ceiling is granted.

According to those from ENEL Romania, some of the people who can benefit from price capping must submit certain documents to benefit from these provisions of Romanian legislation, so it is good to pay attention to the details provided by the company, for to know how to proceed.

ENEL Romania applies the legal provisions for all customers who can benefit from them, this being the legislation it is obliged to apply now in Romania, so if there are reasons to qualify to benefit from price capping, it is good to know how you can request this at any time, based on the legal provisions.

If you belong to the three categories of electricity consumers for which it is necessary to submit documents to the supplier in order to benefit from the price cap, we have also prepared for you an online form that you can quickly fill in with the necessary data. You can find the online form here on the website. Complete the form only if you have not already sent us the necessary information.