E.ON customers are subject to a very IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding Invoices

E.ON Customers See IMPORTANT NOTICE Invoices

E.ON brings to the immediate attention of customers in Romania an extremely important information regarding the invoices that are constantly issued by it, and this is because it talks about how they must be paid correctly, so that the money goes where it needs to go, in the end.

E.ON talks below about how we have to look at the barcodes on the invoices, so that they are paid correctly, according to the appropriate barcode, and to pay either the balance current, or the total balance we have including from previous months.

In the case of the explanations below, the people from E.ON Romania speak quite clearly about the difference between these types of barcodes, and why we must be careful when making various payments, and this is because it is possible not we always pay the total balance that we have to pay, but only a part of it.

E.ON Romania also offers on its website detailed information on how we can pay the invoices issued to us, so it is very important to pay attention to all the details related to the payment methods, in order not to end up in the case of having issued invoices with payment arrears.

At the bottom of the first page of the E.ON consumer invoice, 2 barcodes appear, as follows: Current invoice barcode – i.e. the payment amount related to the most recently completed month and Total payment barcode (balance) – represents the total payment amount/balance, which may include, in addition to the current invoice amount, outstanding amounts or overpaid/advance amounts if you have paid more than the amount of invoices sent.

If there are no outstanding or prepaid amounts, then the value entered in the two barcodes will be identical (and so will the barcodes). If the balance is 0 or a negative value, with a minus, it means that you have nothing to pay at that point of consumption.