E.ON: Extremely IMPORTANT Announcement that All Customers MUST Know

EON Extremely IMPORTANT Notice All Customers MUST Know

E.ON, the supplier of electricity and natural gas that millions of Romanians depend on for the current energy supply, has decided to officially notify Romanians throughout the country about how they can substantially reduce their consumption, in the long term, if they reduce the temperature in the houses.

E.ON says that when we are not at home, we can reduce the temperature in the rooms of the place by 1 degree, because although we will not feel this difference, when it comes to consumption, it will matter, in the long term, being able to bring a savings of up to 10% per year for the energy consumed by us.

According to those from E.ON Romania, the recommended temperatures in the house during the day and at night are 20 and 18 degrees, respectively, while when we are not at home, we should have the temperature set at 18 degrees, in order to record energy consumption much lower than normal, and we will feel this difference in the invoices.

E.ON Romania explains that we can establish all these changes through the thermostat we use to control the temperature in our homes, there are also multiple solutions for installing a thermostat in your own home, either from the energy company or from other service providers of this kind in Romania.

Set the thermostat 1°C lower – you won't feel this minor temperature difference. Instead, you will notice that the amount of the invoice decreases. You can thus save approximately 5-10% per year. Also, the recommended optimal temperature is 20°C during the day and 18°C ​​at night and 17°C degrees when you are not at home. By programming the thermostat in this way, you will enjoy both comfort and a lower bill.