Minister of Defense: LAST MINUTE Official Announcement for Europe and Millions of Romanians

Minister of Defense Official Announcement LAST TIME Europe Millions of Romanians

On this day, the Minister of Defense published an extremely important announcement, at the last minute, regarding all of Europe, but also millions of Romanians from the entire country, and this is because he is talking to everyone about Europe Day, which is over 70 years old from the moment when the foundations of the Europe we know today were laid.

The Minister of Defense, Angel Tilvar, talks below about the impact that Robert Schuman had for the creation of a modern and safe Europe, but the PSD minister also talks about how serious the Second World War was on hundreds of millions of people, and how serious the current situation is because of the war in Ukraine.

"The symbol of the community space, Europe Day, represents a moment when we remember the importance of the decisions adopted more than 70 years ago to remove the dramatic effects of the Second World War and the development of cooperation between European states, so that the risk of triggering a new conflict to be eliminated.

These reasons represented the substance of the Declaration of May 9, 1950, through which the French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, proposed to the states of Europe to deepen political cooperation under the auspices of a European-level organization. In this way, the institutional foundations were laid that will evolve, in the following decades, towards the creation of the European Union.

The central message conveyed by Robert Schuman, namely that "world peace cannot be ensured without making creative efforts proportionate to the dangers that threaten it", has a particular relevance in the security context that Europe is going through as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. From this perspective, the anniversary of Europe Day represents a moment of reflection on the imminence of risks and threats to European security.

Current generations want the same things as the founders of the Union - democracy, security and prosperity for the whole continent. Our responsibility is to strengthen the European project, its fundamental values ​​and principles, while supporting, at the same time, the countries with prospects for European integration - Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. Happy birthday, Europe! Happy Birthday Romania!

Waged with a brutality and a desire for destruction that we no longer thought possible in the 21st century, this war is causing unimaginable casualties and suffering among the Ukrainian people and has major consequences throughout the region and globally. Romania will always defend democratic values ​​and follow its transatlantic and European vocation."