Defense Minister: LAST-MINUTE announcements for the Romanian Army with very important measures

Minister of Defense Announcements LAST TIME Romanian Army Important Measures

The Minister of Defense made a series of last-minute announcements regarding the Romanian Army, and this is because extremely important measures for the soldiers and the military throughout the country have been decided, the first regarding military pensions, which Angel Tîlvăr says should not be be considered as special pensions, and must not be modified.

The Minister of Defense also talks about allocating a budget of 2% of Romania's GDP for defense, the PSD Minister explaining the extremely high importance of this decision that NATO has been asking us to take for a very long time, separately providing details on the necessary equipment for the soldiers of the Romanian Army.

"Military pensions are not and cannot be considered special pensions. I ask those pushing for cuts to military retirees' rights to consider the effects such decisions could have on the retention of late-career military personnel, highly trained people in positions at the top of the hierarchy, as well as future projects of young people who would like a military career.

The allocation of a budget of 2% of the GDP in the last six years, raised to 2,5% this year, allowed the development of endowment programs that ensure solid defense capabilities for Romania. But no matter how capable our fighter jets, armored cars, missiles, corvettes or frigates are, they need trained and motivated people in the context of the increasing level of expertise required by the defense field today.

We constantly consider finding the best solutions to ensure those who serve the country, within the Romanian Army, the decent working and living conditions they deserve. In the context in which the Ministry of National Defense allocates important resources to the modernization and endowment with state-of-the-art technology, Angel Tîlvăr emphasized the importance of ensuring living conditions and training to the highest possible standards for the army personnel.

And I assure you that we are constantly considering finding the best solutions to ensure you, those who serve the country within the Romanian Army, the decent working and living conditions you deserve. The Minister of National Defense had a meeting, at the headquarters of the Electronic Radio and Observation Brigade, with the unit's management team, during which he was presented with the missions and objectives of the subordinate soldiers, as well as those of the SCOMAR Operations Center.

Angel Tîlvăr highlighted the missions carried out by military sailors in the country and abroad, in a very complicated and demanding period, both for the Naval Forces and for the entire army, considering the geopolitical situation on Romania's borders and the Black Sea."