WhatsApp: The IMPORTANT decision that will FUNDAMENTALLY change the application in iPhone, Android

WhatsApp IMPORTANT Decision Change FUNDAMENTALLY iPhone Android Application

WhatsApp has decided to make a fundamental change for the application that we use on iPhone and Android at the moment, the more than 2 billion people who need it constantly, will enjoy the option of using a username to use the messaging platform at any time.

WhatsApp here makes a fundamental change for the messaging application, and this is because after the launch of this change, interactions with other people on the platform will be possible with the display of that user name, instead of the mobile phone number, as it happens at current within it.

WhatsApp always displayed the phone numbers for interactions in the conversations we had, so whenever someone contacted us, we automatically knew what phone number they had, and we could call it, use it to search for information about that person/company , but everything will fundamentally change in the future.

By implementing of This changes, those from WhatsApp Messenger will substantially increase the level of security and privacy they offer for users all over the world, and this is because after activating the option to use a username, no one will know what phone number we have , because the platform will no longer display it.

WhatsApp IMPORTANT Decision Change FUNDAMENTAL Application iPhone Android username

WhatsApp Messenger is going to create a new setting in the settings menu of the application for iPhone and Android, which after choosing a username, will display that username in all conversations, new or old, for everyone, like this that it is good to know this about him.