Austria: LAST MINUTE Plan with IMPORTANT Measures for Schengen, Romania's Accession

Austria Plan LAST MINUTE IMPORTANT Schengen Measures Accession of Romania

Austria is at the center of a last-minute plan published by the European Commission, which aims at both Schengen and Romania's accession to the area without internal border controls, and this is because solutions were thought of in Brussels for the problem of illegal migration in The European Union should no longer be such a big problem for the future.

Austria requested the reform of the asylum system in Europe, to stop illegal migration, but the European Commission decided to present the plan with the measures below in the JAI Council on June 8, with the idea of ​​convincing European states that the Schengen Area can be protected with measures targeting third countries, mainly.

Austria, together with Germany, demands much more radical measures than these, but the future of Schengen, and the accession of Romania, depend on measures, regardless of the nature, which reduce the number of people who arrive at the borders of the European Union, and ask for asylum, in some countries the rate rejection of requests reaching up to 80%, and they demand a complete rethinking of the entire system.

"Identifying short-term operational priorities and coordination measures between the EU and member states to address migration. Preventing illegal migration by combating migrant smuggling and human trafficking. Border management by strengthening the capacities of Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia to develop specific actions to prevent irregular departures.

Return, readmission and reintegration by supporting protection and voluntary return operations in North Africa and Sahel countries. Protection and legal remedies by stimulating the effective implementation of protection mechanisms in partner countries. Labor migration and talent partnerships. Operationalizing the Talent Partnership with Morocco is a priority."