Minister of Health: LAST-MINUTE Government Decision with Important Changes Prepared in Romania

Minister of Health Government Decision LAST TIME Important Changes Prepared Romania

The Minister of Health is preparing a new Government Decision which aims to bring a series of important changes to the way the ministry he leads works, and below you can see what exactly was thought at the government level, everything being prepared for adoption for the time being in a Government meeting.

The Minister of Health has changed some of his duties as part of this Government Decision, and below you have some of those that are included in this new project, and if everything will remain unchanged after going through the decision-making transparency process, it would come into force after adoption and publication in the Official Gazette.

"Government Decision no. 144/2010 regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Health, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 139 of March 2, 2010, with subsequent amendments and additions, is amended and supplemented as follows: Paragraph (3) of Article 7 is amended and will have the following content: "(3) The Minister of Health is the main authorizing officer of credits and fulfills the general duties provided for in art. 56 para. (1) from Government Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2019 on the Administrative Code, with subsequent amendments and additions."

Paragraph (4) of Article 7 is amended and will have the following content: "(4) In the exercise of his duties, the Minister of Health issues orders and instructions of a normative or individual nature." Paragraph (6) of Article 7 is amended and will have the following content: "(6) If the Minister of Health cannot exercise his duties, he appoints, by order, a Secretary of State to exercise these duties."

Article 9 is amended to read as follows: "Art. 9 – (1) The Secretary General of the Ministry of Health has the powers and responsibilities provided for in art. 61 para. (2) from Government Emergency Ordinance no. 57/2019, regarding the Administrative Code, with subsequent amendments and additions. The general secretary and deputy general secretaries ensure the stability of the ministry's operation, the continuity of management and the establishment of functional links between the structures of the Ministry of Health, as well as with the other authorities and bodies of the public administration.

The deputy general secretaries fulfill the duties established by the Minister of Health." Paragraph (3) of Article 13 is amended and will have the following content: "(3) The maximum number of positions is 421, exclusive of dignitaries and positions related to the cabinet of the minister." Article 15 is amended and will have the following content.

"Art. 15. To achieve the objectives of the ministry or to develop specific projects, the minister of health can appoint, by order, honorary advisors. Paragraph (4) of article 14 is amended and will have the following content: "(4) The positions of the institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Health are approved by order of the Minister of Health, with the inclusion in the personnel regulations and the number of positions approved, according to the legal provisions in force.""