Marius Budai: The Minister of Labor Transmits LAST-HOUR Information regarding the Government's Decisions

Marius Budai Minister of Labor Transmits Information LAST TIME Government Decisions

Marius Budai transmits a series of last-minute information regarding the decisions of the Romanian Government for millions of people throughout the country, and this is because he reveals what was decided regarding the memorandum related to the salary requests of teachers in Romania, and this because although it will not be published in the Official Gazette of Romania, an attached statement will be published.

Marius Budai explains below what this process entails, but also what should happen for the education system in Romania in the future, this memorandum will be respected by future governments, regardless of who will be prime minister, minister of Work, or Education.

"We have two extremely important normative acts today - this memorandum to which you referred and an emergency ordinance where some of the employees from the health system, but also from the defense and public order system, who are not yet on the grid from 2022, let them also reach that grid, that is, they are salary increases.

It is accompanied by a declaration, which can be published in the Official Gazette and will be published in the Official Gazette. The statement will contain exactly the same provisions that are in the memorandum. The memorandum includes exactly those requirements, as I said, will be introduced in this statement regarding the general salary policy in the national education system and includes exactly those requested by you.

And I am referring here to the future project, the future grid in the future draft law of the unitary salary to start from the salary of the beginner or university assistant, the gross average salary per country used to base the state social security budget. From internal. I'm sorry, it's about the whole defense system.

It is clear that he feels it, because there are extra expenses. But we in the coalition, in the Government, found these solutions to solve these problems. However, I don't want to overlook and not say why we are in this situation, because when I solve something, you have to become aware of why you ended up in this situation. Because, and I'm not doing politics now, but a strictly right-wing government in the 2020s.

In the years 2022-21, they put the salary law in brackets. Good and the pension law, if we remember. And then it's clear that people have run out of patience and we have to sort these things out. If the wage law had continued then, the implementation of the wage law, we would not be in this situation now, but we are here, we are solving it and moving on."