Russia Brings New Military Units to Ukraine to Face the Counteroffensive

Russia Brings New Military Units to Ukraine to Face the Counteroffensive

Russia has decided to bring new military units to Ukraine, in order to face the counter-offensive that is causing great trouble in various regions at the moment, according to the information coming from the Ukrainians, some of the units were brought from distances of even up to 7.000 kilometers, which represents a huge effort.

Russia is bringing these military units from distant strategic regions, a sign that it no longer has enough resources to wage the war with Ukraine, without also using its reserves, or the troops it uses to protect other regions of the country, which in the long term it could be a serious problem for the Kremlin.

"UK Ministry of Defence: Moscow redeploys units from strategic regions of Russia to Ukraine. The Russian military has gathered units from vital areas in Russia up to 7.000 km from the front to deal with Ukraine's counter-offensive, the United Kingdom. said the Ministry of Defence."