WhatsApp SECRETLY Made a Major Change in the App Developed for iPhone

WhatsApp secretly made a big change for iPhone phones, here's what it offers for users around the world and how much it matters.

WhatsApp Made SECRET Major Change The Developed iPhone Application

WhatsApp continues to be one of the most popular instant messaging apps globally, offering its users a variety of features to enhance the communication experience. Recently, a new beta version for iOS,, was released, available through the TestFlight app, which brings an innovative feature designed to increase the privacy of calls.

WhatsApp has introduced a new section in the privacy settings menu called "Advanced". This dedicated space contains additional options aimed at improving the security and protection of personal data. One of these options is "protect IP address in calls", a feature expected by many users concerned about their online privacy.

By enabling this option, calls made from your device will be safely routed through WhatsApp servers, providing an extra layer of security. This feature is designed to prevent other call participants from determining the user's location and IP address, thus ensuring a more secure calling experience for both voice and video calls.

Important to note is that even with the IP address protection option enabled, your calls will remain end-to-end encrypted. This means that neither WhatsApp nor third parties will have access to the content of your conversations or calls, ensuring a high level of privacy and security.

WhatsApp Made SECRET Major Change Developed iPhone Application IP address protection

Protecting online privacy is a major concern for many users these days. WhatsApp reaffirms its commitment to the security and privacy of its users by introducing the option to protect the IP address in calls.

This function, disposable in the latest beta version for iOS, it provides an additional layer of security by ensuring that users' location and IP address remain private, even during calls. By enabling this option, you can enjoy a secure and confidential communication experience with WhatsApp.