The LAST MINUTE Government Act of Simona Bucura-Oprescu Regarding Necessary Measures for Millions of Romanians

LAST MOMENT Government Act Simone Bucura-Oprescu Regarding Necessary Measures Millions of Romanians

Simona Bucura-Oprescu, Minister of Labor, announced a new Government Decision that aims to implement in Romania a series of significant new measures for the support and development of social services intended for the elderly.

Simona Bucura-Oprescu transmits that until this moment, through the public selection of projects carried out based on the Project Evaluation and Selection Methodology within the programs of national interest for the development of social services for the elderly, the sum of 70.055 thousand lei has been allocated for the creation of 74 social services , intended for a number of 3.568 beneficiaries.

The completion of certain programs faced a number of major difficulties. Among these are the lack of specialized staff needed for day care centers, especially in rural areas, and the difficulties encountered in completing the necessary documentation to access financing. The total amount of unpaid payments for the period 2022-2024 amounts to 99.435 thousand lei.

Simona Bucura-Oprescu proposes extending the period of development of programs of national interest, until June 30, 2027. This change will allow the development of selected projects for a period of two years from the conclusion of the financing contracts. At the same time, the project provides for increasing the number of home care units from 30 to 41 and expanding the number of food distribution services from 30 to 51.

Another important change is the increase in the amount of funding for home care units, from 27 lei/hour to 32 lei/hour, following the changes made to the cost standards for social services, established by Government Decision no. 426/2020.

Simona Bucura-Oprescu says that in order to expand access to the food services offered within these programs, the draft decision eliminates the condition that excluded from these services the beneficiaries of social vouchers for hot meals, granted according to the Government's Emergency Ordinance no. 115/2020.

People who receive social vouchers will still be able to access food services, in accordance with the changes approved by Law no. 112/2021. At the same time, the draft introduces transitional provisions, so that the current financing contracts in progress at the time of the entry into force of the decision are carried out in accordance with the initial regulations that were the basis of their conclusion.

Simona Bucura-Oprescu emphasized that the implementation of this decision will significantly contribute to increasing the quality of life for approximately 3.050 elderly people. In addition, the promotion of a diversity of community services for the elderly will have a positive impact on the awareness of the need for social support for this age group and will sensitize both the public and the local communities regarding the importance of social services dedicated to the elderly.

The proposed program also supports the capacity of local public administration authorities to achieve the performance indicators established by art. 21 para. (2) lit. b) from Law no. 17/2000, regarding social assistance for the elderly. According to this law, the care of elderly people in homes is a measure of social assistance and can only be ordered as an exception for people in special situations provided by law.

Simona Bucura-Oprescu implements these measures to guarantee respect for the fundamental rights of the elderly, including the right to social assistance, medical assistance, housing, a dignified and independent life and participation in social life.

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