Simona Bucura-Oprescu, Minister of Labor, issued an order for the approval of the rectified income and expenditure budget for the year 2024 of the National Institute for Scientific Research in the Field of Labor and Social Protection (INCSMPS), under the coordination of the Ministry of Labor and Social Solidarity.
Simona Bucura-Oprescu underlines the fact that this institute operates on the basis of Government Ordinance no. 57/2002 regarding scientific research and technological development, approved with amendments and additions by Law no. 324/2003.
In accordance with article 24, paragraph (1) of OG 57/2002, INCSMPS presents the draft of the rectified income and expenditure budget for the year 2024. The draft was analyzed by the Institute's Board of Directors and approved in the Board of Directors meeting on 31 October 2024.
Simona Bucura-Oprescu mentions that the rectified budget was drawn up on the basis of a detailed analysis of the incomes and expenses made up to the end of the third quarter of the current year, including the ongoing contracts, as well as future contract projects. It was designed in strict compliance with the legislation in force.
The order signed by Simona Bucura-Oprescu stipulates that the rectified budget establishes maximum spending limits that cannot be exceeded. According to article 2 of the order, if, during the execution, the approved revenues are not realized in full, the National Institute for Scientific Research in the Field of Labor and Social Protection will carry out expenses according to the revenues realized, thus falling within the efficiency indicators approved.
The National Institute for Scientific Research in the Field of Labor and Social Protection is organized and functions to support the development of knowledge in the field of labor and social protection through research activities and impact studies, in accordance with the current needs of the market and the employees in Romania.
Simona Bucura-Oprescu confirms that the budget rectification for the year 2024 is a measure that ensures an efficiency of resources and a closer correlation with current needs, being an important step in improving the quality and efficiency of the activities carried out by INCSMPS.
Thus, the rectified budget of INCSMPS will allow the institute to continue strategic projects in the field of work and social protection, ensuring its sustainability and adaptability in the future CHALLENGES current from the labor market and from the social sector.