LAST MOMENT Official Report of the Minister of Education with the Changes Necessary for Education

LAST MOMENT Official Report to the Minister of Education Necessary Changes in Education

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, brings to the attention of students, parents and teachers in Romania, the fact that an extremely important report regarding Romania was launched during the past days by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Performances (IEA), they aim at the study of digital skills and information literacy , based on data collected from 34 countries, including Romania.

Minister of Education emphasizes that the ICILS 2023 study (International Computer and Information Literacy Study) aims to evaluate the ability of eighth grade students to use technology effectively for various purposes. The emphasis is not only on technical skills, but also on the ability to reason critically as "consumers" and creators of information.

The report offers a comprehensive perspective on how digital technologies are integrated in pre-university education in Romania, highlighting both the progress achieved and the existing challenges.

The Minister of Education mentions the essential role of the ministry in promoting digital transformation in education. "The Ministry of Education assumes the role of catalyst of the digital transformation in education, investing over 1 billion euros — including through the PNRR in the last two years — to modernize the digital infrastructure and develop the digital skills of teaching staff," she said.

By implementing the National Digital Competence Framework for students and teachers and aligning it with the DigComp 2.2 European standards, the ministry aims to create a dynamic educational ecosystem. "This will form the basis of preparing students for the challenges of the digital future, will make administrative processes more efficient and increase transparency in the educational system", added Ligia Deca.

As part of these efforts, over 5.800 educational units were equipped with modern technology, and over 100.000 teachers benefited from training in digital skills. "Through these efforts, we are building the foundation of a high-performance digital education, adapted to the demands of the XNUMXst century", concluded the minister.

The Minister of Education confirms that the adoption of the National Framework of Digital Competences of Education Professionals (DigCompEdu): This tool supports teachers at all educational levels in the evaluation and development of digital competencies. The framework offers a progress model structured on six levels, from A1 to C2, facilitating a clear path for the development of digital skills.

Adoption of the National Digital Competence Framework for students: It provides teaching staff with clear guidelines regarding the levels of competence that students must develop. Based on the DigCompRo and DigComp 2.2 standards, the framework ensures alignment with global best practices and includes specific descriptors for each competency and expected performance level.

Through these initiatives, the Ministry of Education demonstrates a firm commitment to the modernization and digitization of the educational system, preparing both students and teachers to face the success the challenges of the digital age.