Florin Barbu, Minister of Agriculture, officially announced that a new Government Decision was approved in yesterday's Government Meeting, they being allocated to ensure the amounts related to the electricity costs necessary for the operation of the irrigation aggregates
Florin Beard underlines the fact that almost 125 million lei will increase the MADR budget to ensure the necessary funds for the payment of electricity bills used for the operation of the irrigation aggregates used by agricultural producers.
By allocating these funds, the costs of the electricity needed to pump and repump the irrigation water within the main irrigation infrastructure and up to the main pressure stations are fully covered.
Also, the necessary funds are provided to support half of the expenses related to energy consumption for the operation of the aggregates for irrigation used by agricultural producers.
Florin Barbu conveys that the beneficiaries of the normative act are the organizations and federations of water users for irrigation, recipients of the financial resources made available within the PNDR 2007-2013, PNDR 2014-2020, but also within the Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
In the Government meeting of December 4, 2024, the Decision was approved regarding the allocation of an amount from the Budgetary Reserve Fund at the disposal of the Government provided for in the state budget for the year 2024, to supplement the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Florin Barbu confirms that this normative act approves supplementing the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with the amount of 124.260.000 lei, commitment credits and budget credits, from the Budgetary Reserve Fund at the disposal of the Government provided in the state budget for the year 2024.
This aims to ensure in full the funds related to the costs of electricity necessary for pumping and repumping irrigation water within the main irrigation infrastructure up to the pressure stations and those intended to support up to 50% of the expenses related to the necessary energy consumption the functioning of the irrigation aggregates used by agricultural producers.
Florin Barbu also points out that by promoting this act, the necessary for the year 2024 is covered for the share of the electricity consumed by agricultural producers, in the amount of 98.300.000 lei, as well as the payment of electricity bills related to consumption until 31.08.2024 .XNUMX.
Everything is done so that the pumping and re-pumping of the irrigation water within the main infrastructure and up to the pressure stations, in the amount of 25.960.000 lei, costs incurred, according to the Land Improvements Law no. 138/2004 with subsequent changes, by the National Land Improvement Agency.
Supplementing the commitment credits and budget credits of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is necessary to avoid the registration of outstanding payments to electricity suppliers, and the payments to be made comply with the provisions of art. XX of the Government's Emergency Ordinance no. 107/2024.
Florin Barbu establishes that the beneficiaries of the normative act are the organizations and federations of water users for irrigation, recipients of the financial resources made available within the PNDR 2007-2013, PNDR 2014-2020, but also within the Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
In order to facilitate this legislative approach, MADR allocated to the Budgetary Reserve Fund at the disposal of the Government, the equivalent amount from other budget chapters, so that the project of normative act has no impact on the general consolidated budget.