Hidroelectrica Announces Official Decisions with LAST MINUTE Measures for the Benefit of Millions of Romanians

Hidroelectrica Announces Official Decisions LAST MINUTE Measures Benefit Millions of Romanians

Hydroelectrics, one of the largest energy companies in Romania that serves an impressive number of clients throughout the country every year, announced the signing of an important contract for the rehabilitation of the double hook piles at the Portile de Fier I Spillway Dam, worth 39,27 XNUMX million euros, without VAT.

Hydroelectrics officially conveys the fact that this contract was awarded following an open tender, respecting the principles of transparency and fair competition, thus ensuring a fair and efficient process of selecting the right contractor.

Hidroelectrica also conveys the fact that the initial estimated value of the project was 40 million euros, without VAT, and the works will last approximately seven years. The purpose of this project is the rehabilitation of the safety structures related to the piles of the Portile de Fier I Spillway Dam, a crucial element for the safety and efficiency of the operation of the Portile de Fier I Hydropower System.

The spillway dam is one of the most important structures of the hydropower system, having the role of controlling water flows and ensuring the optimal functioning of the entire hydropower complex. The offer of the company DSD Noell GmbH was designated as the winner following the evaluation based on the "best value for money" criterion, best meeting the technical and financial requirements of the project.

Hidroelectrica Announces Official Decisions with LAST MINUTE Measures for the Benefit of Millions of Romanians

DSD Noell GmbH demonstrated the ability to provide high quality solutions, respecting both the specific technical requirements of the project and the financial criteria imposed by Hidroelectrica. Through this approach, Hidroelectrica ensures that the works will be carried out to the highest standards, contributing to increasing the safety and performance of the hydropower system.

"The signing of this contract represents an important step in the process of modernization and maintenance of the hydropower infrastructure in Romania. The Portile de Fier I spillway dam plays an essential role in the management of the country's hydroelectric resources, and the rehabilitation works will contribute to increasing the reliability and safety in operation of the dam and the efficiency of the installations.

These investments are part of Hidroelectrica's strategy to ensure the optimal and sustainable operation of hydropower units, in the context of an increasingly challenging economic and ecological environment", said Karoly Borbely, the company's CEO.

The rehabilitation project of the double hook piles from the Portile de Fier I Spillway Dam is essential for maintaining a high level of operational safety, considering the importance of this structure in preventing floods and ensuring the efficient operation of hydropower plants.

The rehabilitation of the dams will allow a better management of water flows and will improve control over hydrological processes, which will lead to an increase in the overall efficiency of the national energy system.

Hidroelectrica, the largest electricity producer in Romania, plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability of the national energy system. The company focuses on the generation of green energy and the sustainable management of hydrological resources, thus contributing to Romania's transition to a more environmentally friendly economy.

Hidroelectrica demonstrates its commitment to the constant improvement of its infrastructure, thus ensuring an optimal, efficient and safe exploitation of the country's hydrological resources. These strategic investments are intended to strengthen the company's position as a leader in renewable energy production and to contribute to Romania's energy security.

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