Raiffeisen Bank Issues an Official LAST MINUTE WARNING, which it sends to Romanian Customers

Raiffeisen Bank Issues Official LAST MINUTE WARNING Sends to Romanian Customers

Raiffeisen Bank, the main financial institution in Romania with a large number of clients who enjoy its services in various corners of the country every day, informed the Romanians that, on the night of Saturday to Sunday, December 8, 2024, between 00:01 and 02 :00, scheduled maintenance of its computer systems will take place.

Raiffeisen Bank conveys that this action is necessary for the improvement and optimization of the IT infrastructure, thus ensuring a better and safer experience for all the bank's customers. During this maintenance, several banking services will be temporarily unavailable, and customers are asked to take these interruptions into account and plan their banking operations accordingly.

Raiffeisen Bank explains that the affected services include the mobile and internet banking applications intended for individuals, respectively Smart Mobile and Raiffeisen Online. These applications will not be accessible during the mentioned interval, which means that users will not be able to make transactions or consult information about their accounts. At the same time, the Smart Market application, used to manage purchases and special offers, will also be unavailable.

Raiffeisen Bank explains very clearly that including legal entity clients will also be affected by this maintenance. Thus, the mobile and internet banking applications dedicated to them, such as Smart Business, the new Raiffeisen Online IMM, Raiffeisen Online and Smart Mobile, will not be functional.

Raiffeisen Bank Issues an Official LAST MINUTE WARNING, which it sends to Romanian Customers

This temporary interruption may affect the commercial operations and transactions carried out by the companies, which is why customers are advised to make important payments before the start of the maintenance.

The Raiffeisen SmartToken application, used to authorize online transactions, will also be unavailable during this period. In this context, for the authorization of online payments made with the card, customers will be able to use the password and the OTP code (One Time Password) received via SMS.

This alternative allows the continuation of online transactions under safe conditions, even in the absence of the SmartToken application. Instant payments will be suspended during maintenance, which means that quick money transfers between accounts will not be possible during this interval.

Raiffeisen Bank also states that some sections of the bank's website will also be unavailable, which may limit customers' access to certain online information and services. Also, adding new cards to wallets will be temporarily suspended, which may affect the use of digital payment services.

Debit card transactions issued by Raiffeisen Bank will be unavailable between 00:01 and 01:00, which means that customers will not be able to make payments with these cards during this period. However, the credit cards issued by Raiffeisen Bank will remain functional throughout the maintenance, allowing customers to make payments and access funds normally.

To check all the details about the availability of services during maintenance, Raiffeisen Bank recommends customers to access the dedicated page on the bank's website. This page will provide updated information and additional details about the planned outages, helping customers to be aware of the situation.

Raiffeisen Bank says that in case of need, such as blocking a card or other urgent operations, customers are encouraged to contact the bank's call center at the numbers *2000 or 004 021 306 3002. These numbers can be called from any network in Romania or from abroad, at normal rates, and are available to provide assistance in case of urgent situations.

Raiffeisen Bank apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this scheduled maintenance and thanks its customers for their understanding and patience. These maintenance actions are essential to ensure the security and performance of the bank's systems, thus offering customers a safer and more efficient banking experience.

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