Nicusor Dan's LAST MINUTE Official Announcement Regarding the Cancellation of the Presidential Elections

Official Announcement LAST MOMENT Nicusor Dan Cancellation of the Presidential Elections

Nicusor Dan, the general mayor of Bucharest, welcomed the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the annulment of the presidential elections, considering it a good sign for democracy and a moment of reaffirmation of European values ​​in the Romanian public space.

In an event organized by the European Democratic Culture Initiative Association, the mayor received an award designed to recognize his efforts in promoting transparency, sustainability and respect for public money.

Nicosor Dan emphasized the fact that this distinction is not only a personal honor, but also a tribute to the civic spirit of the Romanians, who over time have contributed to the consolidation of democracy.

He mentioned names and organizations that had a significant impact on Romanian society and the Republic of Moldova: president Maia Sandu, the Daruieste Viata Association, Laura Codruta Kovesi, Emilia Sercan and the VeDem Just Association. According to the mayor, all of these played a decisive role in promoting European values ​​and increasing trust in state institutions.

The mayor of the capital emphasized the importance of the European Union for Romania, showing that this political and cultural space is more than a governance model. Europe, he showed, is living proof that dignity, solidarity, freedom and respect become tangible realities when citizens and nations collaborate and pool their resources across borders.

Nicusor Dan addressed the topic of the justice system in Romania, which he considers an essential factor in overcoming the crises the country is facing. He argued that the courts work better than many areas of the administration and that it is essential to rely on them to rebuild trust in the public system.

As mayor of the Capital, Nicusor Dan recalled his efforts in the implementation of European values ​​at the local administration level, emphasizing the need for transparency, respect for public money and sustainable policies. He showed that, although his intervention is only part of a much bigger puzzle, every citizen and every institution has a role to play in consolidating democracy and keeping Romania on a solid European path.

Overall, Nicusor Dan's statements and the award he received in Cluj reveal the fact that, in the current context, Romania finds its strength in democratic values, in civic involvement and in strengthening ties with Europe.

Nicusor Dan sent a message of confidence and encouragement to the Romanian society, stressing that the future of the country depends on our ability to cultivate and defend principles democratic, both internally and in relations with European partners.

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