The Road Approved by Sorin Grindeanu through the LAST MINUTE Decision of the Romanian Government

Approved Road Sorin Grindeanu BREAKING NEWS Decision of the Romanian Government

Sorin Grindeanu, Minister of Transport, officially revealed today that the Romanian Government has decided to approve the technical and economic indicators for the construction of a new connecting road between the Braila-Galati Express Road (DEx) and the Galati Municipality Ring Road. According to official statements, this project will significantly contribute to the fluidization of traffic in the region and will also ensure faster access to the Braila Bridge, which is currently under implementation.

Sorin to Grindean states that the new road sector will be 6,92 kilometers long and will be provided with four lanes (two lanes in each direction), offering increased capacity for car traffic. The financing will be obtained through PT, and the total investment value (including VAT) exceeds 812 million lei, underlining the strategic importance of the project for the national infrastructure.

Regarding the execution period, the authorities estimate that the works can be completed in about 24 months, provided there is good coordination between all the actors involved. Six bridges and overpasses will also be built along the new road route, intended to improve connectivity between the main road arteries in the area.

Sorin Grindeanu mentions that the initiative is based on a protocol signed between CNAIR (National Road Infrastructure Management Company) and Galati County Council, and the ultimate goal is to create a coherent road network, which will facilitate the transport of people and goods between Braila, Galati and neighboring localities.

In parallel with the development of this road link, the authorities provided details about the progress recorded on the construction site of Section 4 (Tigveni – Curtea de Arges) of the Sibiu-Pitesti Motorway. The Austrian constructor responsible for the execution of the 9,86 kilometers of this section managed to advance substantially in the construction of the first tunnel bored on a motorway in Romania, which will have a length of over 1.300 meters.

Sorin Grindeanu also confirms that currently, the excavations have reached 1.193 meters on the Sibiu-Pitesti direction and 1.026 meters on the Pitesti-Sibiu direction, which marks a total physical progress of approximately 60%. According to representatives of the Ministry of Transport, there are real chances that, by the end of this year, more than 140 kilometers of the highway between Tigveni and Bucharest will be open to traffic, once the last 14,65 kilometers of Section 5 (between Baiculesti and Curtea de Arges) will be completed.

However, in terms of the contractual term, the full completion of the works on Section 4 (Tigveni – Curtea de Arges) remains scheduled for 2027. This important stage in the development of the road infrastructure in Romania demonstrates the sustained efforts of the authorities and the constructors to improve conditions traffic and stimulate economic growth at the national level.

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