iPad Air 2 – A8X chip, processor with 3 cores and 2 GB RAM

  iPad Air 2 with a A8X chip with triple core processor and 2 GB RAM it's more than any Apple fan could have hoped for from a tablet that seemed extremely uninteresting a week ago, but things are completely different today. According to some performance tests published today on the Internet, the new Apple tablet is equipped with these specifications, and if they are 100% true, then we are talking about the first iDevice that has a processor with three cores, but also 2 GB of RAM.

UPDATE: The information was confirmed by a new performance test which provides additional details.

  iPad Air 2 it was featured in a plethora of internet rumors months before its unveiling last week, but none of them talked about an A8X chip with a triple-core processor. We heard repeatedly that the iPad Air 2 could have 2GB of RAM, but then it was hard to believe that Apple would double the amount of RAM for its tablet since it launched an iPhone 6 Plus with 1GB of RAM, but now things they are completely different.

  The images come from an untrustworthy source, but that doesn't mean they aren't true, so it remains to be seen what the reality will be.


  1. Apple fans do not hope for 3 cores and 2 Gb of RAM. For them, 1 or max two cores and 1GB of RAM is enough for them until death - as only iOS does not need more.

  2. For a true Apple fan, it doesn't matter what Apple offers :))

    If next year, Apple would say, if we offer you 1 gb of Ram, we'd better offer you 512 mb, it wouldn't be a problem for a real fan:)) Ios is moving well and after all it's Apple, so what do these details matter :)))

    Anyway, if it really were like that, it's cv and it's a step forward. It means that Apple might also make updates to the hardware.

    Listen Zaone, if we say or even that will be the Ipad Air 2, do you think it has something to do with the fact that the number of tablets sold has decreased a lot and for this reason they made this major update to the Ipad?

  3. @fred - I don't want any more tablet, boy, although I could give up a day and a half's salary to buy you an iPad so you can sleep happily with an apple under your head. iPhone not so much because I had. grow up!

  4. Doe, normal, androidist, without 8 cores and two SIMs plus 2560 gigapixels in the camera, don't stay in the discussion :))))

  5. The two above - grow up!
    From another article, it appears that the extra core brought a significant increase in performance, and the memory as well.
    Maybe iOS will finally be able to multitask. Aren't you tired of closing applications in the background and not being able to open several TABs in Safari?

  6. @doe, how come you get 10 k euros per month.... doe mundialu you are also called :)) .... leave us alone with your cocalar basins and stop giving your opinion here... look for some application with androcur.

  7. doe -1 safari open as many camps as you want in iOS7 and 8
    -2 if you play a game and exit it, it automatically pauses, which is very ok, or on your android it is still running in the background, do you hear sounds from the game???
    -3 google maps works even after you have blocked the phone... hmmmm so what does it mean???
    I think you had an iPhone up to iOS6 max.
    yes, that's right, many things don't work on iOS, e.g. to download torrents on iPhone or other illegal things, without jb. this is apple policy.

  8. fred - with school more boy - not with "value". and with function. and I'm not a kid like you. I worked in this life to reach 10000 per month. so you can request that I get you an ipad, if you like it so much.

  9. Mr. Doe, because I did not have your pecuniary luck, I would like to make an official request for an iPad. I leave the model up to you, you can also buy me a sh!
    And don't take it as a bad thing, but at the school I attended, I used to write "what's two" without the hyphen. I think that's why I never got to any position paid with 10000 lei.
    Forgive me and please don't take Fred's ipad, but take it from me.

  10. @EiGeorge score 10, we won't hear the nickname doe for a while... by the way @fred let's go with the request that what's in stock be given quickly