Apple Maps dominates Google Maps in iOS

Apple Maps dominates Google MapsApple Maps dominate Google Maps in iOS, and the Apple company provided some extremely interesting details in the framework WWDC 2015 regarding the difference in usage between the two mapping services used by billions of people on the planet.

Last Monday, Apple stated that Apple Maps registers 5 billion requests for providing information, 3.5 times more than the closest competing platform, i.e. Google Maps, the difference being very large.

In practice, Google Maps registers in iOS a little over 1.6 billion requests for displaying information, the figure being impressive when viewed "coldly", but compared to that of Apple Maps it is surprisingly small, especially if we take into account the popularity of Google Maps and the problems Apple Maps.

Although the number of requests for information from Google Maps is three times lower than that from Apple Maps, this difference has a fairly logical and easy explanation: Apple Maps is the default location system for Apple products.

Practically, now the applications in the App Store use the Apple Maps APIs in the largest majority, to the detriment of Google Maps, the same being true in the case of applications for Macs, and this is where most of the usage comes from.

Separately, there are people who open Apple Maps for locations, points of interest and much more, but this only in a small number of countries around the world, where the Apple service is useful, Romania not being one of those countries.

If we combine everything with the fact that Find My iPhone uses Apple Maps instead of Google Maps for several months, then we have a pretty clear picture of where the difference in using Apple Maps and Google Maps in iOS comes from.

This "achievement" of those from Apple should not be seen as anything more than imposing the use of a certain location service and not a conscious and free choice made by users, so Apple still has a lot to solve.


  1. Good that it is not an application that comes with the OS and you are not obliged to use it. no no. I'm pretty sure that Google Maps is no. 1

  2. google maps is very good, but with apple maps you have a great experience on iphone.
    for example, if you use apple maps, you can block the phone, i.e. the display is closed, which lights up when you have to take it to the left, right...etc. but with google maps it just writes on the display and talks.
    I was recently on vacation in Spain and I can say that apple maps sees where you are, i.e. within 1-2 meters precision. I tried nokia here, hahaha a bad joke, it saw me as if I was on the other side of the street, a piece of crap, only it has the "advantage" that it can be used offline.
    I know that in Romania apple maps is 0, but abroad it is good.

  3. If you have an accuracy of 1-2 meters on your iPhone, it means that you have an iPhone with military technology 🙂 Location accuracy does not depend on maps, but on the hardware capacity of the GPS receiver. I looked on the internet for the accuracy of the iPhone, and the best accuracy is 8-10 meters. Of course, it reaches up to hundreds of meters, depending on what you use: 3G network, +WiFi, etc.
    The authors of a study state that if you get 5-8 meters of accuracy with the GPS of a smartphone/tablet, then it is very good.

    Search the net for "iphone gps accuracy" without the quotes, and take the first result from the list.

    Closing and opening the screen around curves is a user preference. If you are a pedestrian, with an Android device you can close the screen and listen to the directions in headphones. You open it when you want, not when Maps wants. Some like it this way, others like it the way you write... You will never be able to please everyone.

  4. I approximated 1-2 meters, maybe it was 10m, but compared to nokia here apple maps did its job much better (I was on 3G).
    the thing with the display on when cornering is very good when driving the car.