Former Apple director admits that he sold confidential information to the competitor

A few months ago, a news appeared in the press revealing that a former Apple executive would have sold confidential information to the company's component suppliers who used said information to negotiate profitable contracts. Paul Devine, the former director of Apple had an accomplice in the person of Andre And who effectively sold the respective information to the component suppliers. Between 2005 and 2010, Paul Devine led the global division that deals with the acquisition of components for Apple products and it seems that he managed to collect no less than 2.28 million dollars plus some other goods from the transactions made with Ang.

Paul Devine a recognized in front of an American court that he is guilty of the accusations brought against him, he agreed to return the sum of 2.28 million dollars plus the assets resulting from the sale of confidential information. Apple did not comment at all on the side of the statement made by Paul Devine, but the company sued its former manager separately in court.


  1. Aici nu este vorba de coruptie. Coruptia presupune implicarea unui functionar public ( indiferent de titulatura: omul de la ghiseu sau director ). Aici este vorba de FURT calificat si divulgarea de secrete ale companiei private.

  2. Diferenta intre Apple si Romania este ca Apple nu este in prabusire necontrolata datorita managementului, fie si defectuos, a acelui director. Dincoace insa, e ceva mai greu de iertat in primul rand datorita consecintelor mult mai dezastruoase si care afecteaza mai multe persoane.