iPhone 12 with Space Display, No Buttons, DESTROY P30 PRO, S10

iphone 12 space display

iPhone 12 is the phone expected for release in 2020 by Apple fans all over the world, and in the video clip below you can see a concept for what it should be. We are talking about concept images made based on the imagination of a graphic designer, so that the chances of the iPhone 12 being launched with this design are 0.1%, from my point of view.

The iPhone 12 is presented in this concept with a Space Display, i.e. a screen that extends to all the edges of the front panel, also allowing the complete elimination of physical buttons. You can see that this change also allows offering special functions for Apple phones, but here everything depends on the iOS version that the iPhone 12 will have.

Beyond these functions that will not soon arrive in Apple phones, the design that the iPhone 12 should have is in the center of attention, although this does not seem likely either. For the iPhone 12, a serious design change is expected from the Apple company, but the complete elimination of the buttons and the screens that surround the case are probably not part of Apple's plans.


  1. nice concept, some designers don't really have a sense of practicality, you can't hold that phone in your hand because you touch it immediately, apply functions, the app opens randomly