112 – FINE Received by a Woman who made an AMAZING CALL

112 was the target of an amazing call that a woman from Vrancea made, here is what she asked the police, and what fine she received for it.

112 club fine

112 it is meant to be a phone number that you can call to announce an emergency, and ask for help for yourself or for other people, but in Romania it has become a bit of a joke. A woman from Vrancea county called the 112 emergency service to ask the police to convince her daughter, who was going to town with some friends, to return home, and that's because the authorities have nothing better to do.

The call to 112 came from the village of Vulturu, located in Vrancea county, and of course the police were sent to the village in search of the young woman, who was at a restaurant with friends, apparently serving a drink. Considering that the police should not deal with the "recovery" of young people who are having fun in the city and are not in danger, those who located the young woman, then went to the mother's house, who placed the call to give a present and a fine for the disturbance.

112 – FINE Received by a Woman who made an AMAZING CALL

1000 LEI is the amount of the fine that the woman received from the police for the stupid call, if we are very decent, and I am sure that there was some scandal because the woman probably did not understand why this tragedy was happening to her. Unlike the calls in which many call and curse, announce false crimes, go missing, etc., this time the person who put the stupid police on the roads at least got what he deserved.

"On September 21, at around 21,30:112 p.m., the police officers from IPJ Vrancea were alerted via SNUAU 19 by a woman from Vulturu commune, regarding the fact that her XNUMX-year-old daughter had left with a friend at the club and wants the police to convince her not to go."

112 is a service designed to save lives, not a taxi service to pick up young people from clubs as long as they are not in any danger, but no one wants to understand that. 112 is a service with many problems, but one that has also saved many lives, and situations like this show us why it is very good that the fines increase a lot so that false calls disappear completely.


  1. Hell 1000 lei. Let the amount of the fine be 5000 lei, only then will the rubbish with stupid calls stop. In addition to the fine, I would also do community service + 10 years criminal record.