The jailbreak solution for iPad 2 will be available in a few weeks

Last night there was a video conference and p0sixninja, from the image above, was present to answer the questions of iDevices users. Of course, the main topic was the jailbreak solution for iPad 2 and p0sixninja said that such a solution will be available in a few weeks. The solution will most likely be implemented in a new version of greenpois0n specially made for iOS 4.3.x. The new jailbreak solution will work on at least iOS 4.3 because the iPad 2 came with iOS 4.3 from the factory, but for now it is not known how long it will take until they release it. I assume that they haven't even started working on it, so we still have to wait.

This jailbreak solution is separate from Lift made by i0n1c and by comex.



  1. I sfarsit vesti bune…La fel de bune ca si cele de la inceputul anului cu privire la unlock… VINE! VINE! VINE!…Nu mai vine… Mesajul este urmatorul: cumparati tableta iPad 2! Singurii care au facut ceva pana acum au fost geohot si planetbeing, restul s-au jucat. Concluzia: nu cumparati nici un iDevice daca pentru versiunea curenta nu exista unlock / jailbreak.

  2. A facut deja jailbreakul geohot. numai ca tre careva sa-l roage sau macar sa-i dea 100.000.000$ donatie ca sa dea drumu pe net. Ce credeti ca e fraier? haida de! Are si unlocku deja facut pt. iphoane! Pt. e e un fassss sistemele iOS sau ala de la Sony