Audio: Fly – a tribute song to Steve Jobs


   Steve Jobs was one of the most important people in the world and now artists from all over the world are paying tribute to him. The song above is a remix of the song Fly made by an American DJ especially for the event announced yesterday by the Apple company. The song contains excerpts from the speech given by Steve Jobs to the graduates of Stanford University and I think this is a very good way to pay tribute to the man thanks to whom we have an iDevice/Mac at home today.


  1. Be very careful, the flash is poison, don't destroy your computer, just know it's harmful, I don't know what courage you have to access that song, be very careful, your poppies might fail...

  2. More zaone, it's better not to put flash at all, I often get angry that flash doesn't work on the iPad, and I think I'm not the only one.