iPhone 3GS will be removed from sale by Apple after the event on September 12

  iPhone 3GS, the terminal launched 3 years ago by Apple, to be removed on sale after what iPhone 5 will be officially launched on the market. The information comes from the British newspaper The Telegraph, which talked to sources close to the retailers of electronic products in Great Britain. Removing the old iPhone 3GS from the market was as logical as possible considering that after the launch iPhone 5 there would have been 4 iPhone terminals on the market, and Apple had no way to support this offer.

The new update will mean that the 8GB version of the iPhone 4 will be the entry-level iPhone, probably given away free on £20 per month contracts, as the 3GS is currently. Sources close to retailers also suggested that an 8GB version of the 4S could be introduced. Three versions of the Apple iPhone 5 will be on sale, offering different storage options.

  After removing the iPhone 3GS from the market, the iPhone 4 8 GB terminal will become the cheapest iPhone sold by Apple, and the iPhone 4S will only be available in a version with a storage capacity of 8 GB. iPhone 5 would be available in 3 versions with 16/32/64 GB of storage space, another absolutely normal move. Everything The Telegraph says was as logical as possible and was expected from Apple, and now we only have to see the official announcements in the conference of September 12.


  1. iPhone 4S o sa fie de 16gb, nu de 8gb.

    Pacat ca il scot din schema… putea sa fie:

    iPhone 3GS 8gb – 250Euro
    iPhone 4 8gb – 350E
    iPhone 4S 16gb – 450E
    iPhone 5 16/32/64 – 550/650/750E

    Cel putin in tari ca Romania ar da lovitura cu un astfel de “line-up” pt ca un 3GS cu iOS 6 bate multe telefoane cu android din 2012 si mie si acum mi se pare un telefon foarte frumos.

  2. Si cu garantia cum ramane ?

    Trebuie sa trimit din nou la garantie ( este a treia oara ) un 3GS luat de la Vdf deoarece de fiecare data dupa cateva luni imi apar bule de aer intre ecran si digitizer.

    De fiecare data mi l-au schimbat cu unul nou nu refurbished dar este posibil sa cer sa dau diferenta de bani si sa imi dea Iphone 4 sau 4S ?

  3. Aceiasi intrebare ca si Kilobyte am si eu . Daca dupa scoaterea 3gs-ului din vanzare eu o sa ma duc cu al meu la garantie exista vreo sansa sa mi-l schimbe cu un i4 ?

  4. in cazul in care nu sunt pe stoc produse din seria aceea se da din seria urmatoare fara a achita contravaloarea. deci o sa primiti iphone 4 8g memorie. O zi placuta !

  5. Eu ft multumit am fost de el si cum se misca cu 5.1.1, intradevar 4 le e alta mancare de peste. E el un telefon asa de vechi dar isi face treaba cu brio. Chiar imi pare rau ca l-am vandut si nu l-am pastrat. acum am si eu 4